hosted by the oh-so-lovely
heather of the speckled egg, are an absolute delight to participate in! the box is just the right size to embellish and personalize for the friend/s that you are paired with. and
then, the packing!!!! ohmygoodness! think small, itty bitty, teeny tiny!
i had two partners. this beautiful package arrived at my door, compliments of sheila. i will link her, soon!
edit: check out sheila's blog here!
isn't it just beautiful???

and look at that victorian paper scrap - a roller skate!!!!!! can you say a.dor.a.ble!!???

here is a photo of all stash she carefully packed inside. i soooo love*love crocheted pink lace. i am a lucky girl!!

and this super sweet vintage beauty was sent from heather, our dear hostess.

look at that bunch of pink forget-me-nots!! she seriously could have stopped with those, and i would have been one very happy girl!

can you believe all of this vintage goodness was packed in a match box!!!?? LOVE IT!
okay, listen to this. i think i may have issues. the boxes i have received in previous swaps are prominently on display in my home, and i get so much joy from seeing them, but - this is the weird part - i haven't unpacked them! i peek inside regularly, and smile and touch the little pretties, but i just slide the drawer right back in, and leave the goods! and i am sure i will do the same with these beauties! crazy! i KNOW the supplies are meant to be used, and i intend to,
sometime, but oh, i love them just the way they are!

i made this box for sheila and heather.

it is so much fun to share stash with friends who appreciate the same types of vintage goodies.

i thought heather's flea market theme was PERFECT!

happy day, friends!
(only seventeen more days till spring!)