i have taught in this building for 16 years. my very first classroom was to the left on the lower level. later i moved upstairs, which i totally LOVE! it is like teaching in a tree house!

this wednesday, we will dismiss our students within these walls for the very last time. we have completely outgrown our space and will be moving to a brand spanking new building. (it kind of looks like a mall.) gone will be the oak woodwork, built in cupboards, high ceilings, sparkly hallways, and "old school charm". (i would love to share my classroom with you, but all of my photos have students in them.)
this is what my new classroom looked like as of 2 weeks ago.

we are in the process of moving an entire school into storage until the new building is complete. i have never been great at change. while i don't FEAR it, and i recognize the need for change, i most certainly don't embrace it. are you with me on this?
i was feeling nostalgic today about the whole thing, and (rather than working on report cards) i made some domino charms for my work friends.

ANYWAY, i just wanted you to know why my little blog has been slightly neglected lately. our real life is b.u.s.y.
now. if you haven't purchased your
inspired ideas, you need to do that. it is a
wonderful ONLINE publication, and i can't wait for all this change business to let up so i can get down with the crafting!!
happy day to you!