Monday, February 22, 2010

circa 1979...

my sweet mamma became a wheat weaver. here's what that means. our garage was transformed into a mini barn with trash bags full of golden pride of the prairie wheat. wallpaper trays were filled with water and wheat was left soaking for hours and hours. she then wove that wheat into all sorts of pretties.

well. she's back at it.

she and my dad belong to the Gideon organization - the people that put Bibles in hotels and hospitals. anyway - big convention next month, and she agreed to make the favors. and they are lovely.

my job as faithful daughter was to help attach them to the card stock. we worked most of the day saturday, and had a splendid time...can't wait to create with her again, soon.

happy day!

1 comment:

  1. I have to tell you that I have been looking for these for years. More thatn twoenty years we lost a dear person in a car accident. Someone sent one of these wheat hearts tot he funeral home. My best friend, her daughter still has it. My friends daughter, my 'adopted' neice is being helped thru hospice because a 5 year battle with breast/brain cancer. I have been looking for one of these for my dear friend. Is there anyway I can order one? It would nean so much to all of us. We are looking at about a month before our battle ends. Please contact me as soon as possible. Jan at
