this little lovely arrived from the oh-so creative
amy powers! besides being creative, amy is also sweet. like the real kind of sweet. genuine.
the theme for our matchbox swap was "petite inspiration - nesting edition" hosted by
heather at speckled egg. she is a fun art girl with a darling online shop chock full of goodies. (she had put together a swap for valentine's day that was full before i could sign up, so i was way stalking her blog looking for her next swap!)
amy totally STITCHED this felt blue birdie! her little french knotties and lazy daisy stitches are just soooooo CUTE. i love it and i can't believe i get to keep it!

so then...

the treasures! miss amy absolutely packed this box full of "nesting" items.

look at THIS bluebirdie! felted wool! how do people make this stuff????!!

thank you, amy!!
a few days later, this happy mail arrived - sent from
miss cristina i met cristina last year at silver bella, and am looking forward to getting to know her more this year!
S.W.A.K.!!! love it!

the attention to details this girl puts into things is a.maz.ing.

look at that nest card...cute.cute.cute!

and all kinds of lovelies to make art with! can you see that little girl's expression!?? she's totally thinking - "what!? someone sent this to ME!!??!!" i can so relate!

and i am crazy about these birdies...the top hat fellas! oh yeah, they've got personality!

thank you, cristina!
so you can all see...i am spoiled rotten, and so, so very grateful.
happy day!