hey everyone! welcome! i'm miss lynn and this is my daughter, beatrice.

we would love to show you around our creative space.
this room is our favorite place to be...we are drawn to this tiny little sunroom. i am here first thing in the morning and the last moments of my day. this is where my heart is home.

beatrice cannot stay away from her artist's desk. she will squeeze in as much free time as possible, drawing, writing, or painting. now. while this room may have been meant for mamma, there would be no keeping her out. as mother daughter, we have a few (slight) differences, but this we share:
our need to create is as natural as our need to breathe.

here are our individual desks and work spaces. the windows are great for work and we love watching our boys play soccer, spying on all the neighborhood hub-bub, or laughing at the squirrels chasing each other around the trees!

i am obsessed with painted white furniture pieces, particularly those that are little and cute. these miniature sized dressers were most definitely coming home with me.

and speaking of obsessions...i've got big time issues with square jars. they are sooooo helpful as i am a visual kind of gal, and a rather right-brained disorganized one at that. i have bought probably hundreds of these jars, don't need another one, but if i see one at a garage sale or thrift store...i totally snatch it up.

i keep favorite photos and silly snippets under glass at my work space. happy.

close at hand, i have vintage books, supplies, and necessities stored away in crates and this nine drawer cubby that once upon a time housed tools in a barn. she was prettied up and given glass knobbies and a new life.

this photo shows more storage, as well as some pretty displays. you won't find much empty space here; clutter helps me create. : )

this cubby works great to keep my ribbon and trim stash organized-ish. the jars on top keep those pieces that are too short to wind around a spool.

dolly dresses on a clothesline...

postcards, a family photo, and another tiny doll dresser make me happy.

this white wicker changing table totally screamed storage space to me. i absolutely love it, and have filled up every square inch!

jars, jars, jars!

greetings from our kitty baby!

i try to keep my paper scraps organized by color. an old enamel bread box works great because it's a little longer than 12 inches...just right!

another tool caddy that has experienced a makeover.

yes. more jars!

a bicycle basket is a handy organizer when attached to the wall.

thank you for taking time to visit our little creative space today! we hope you are inspired and ready to create!

happy day, and
thank you to
karen valentine for hosting this great where bloggers create party!