my sissy and i are going to a paper arts event in omaha later this fall called silver bella. i read about it in country living last year and just about flipped out. i knew it was something i really wanted to experience, and am thrilled that i get to attend this year! paper artists from all over will be there, creating and sharing for three whole days. we are staying in a fancy shmancy hotel, without any kids, buying the t-shirt, the charm, the whole bit. we are so there! anyway, once i registered for classes, i learned all about this whole blogging world, and here i am! :)

some prebella fun involves swaps. in june, there were like a gazillion swaps to join. i chose a couple that looked like fun. here are some snapshots of what i've been working on.

the friday night vendor event has me totally saving my pennies. the theme is 100 aprons. everyone has been invited to wear an apron: vintage, hand-crafted, funky, anything goes. i've altered a halter top and added a little flair...i'll show more of that as it gets closer to being complete.

we were also paired up with a gal who has previously attended silver bella, you know to share little tips and make the new girls feel more at home. my "big sister" is jodie from louisiana. she is totally and completely responsible for this blog. :) she has been the best help. full of advice and encouragement. so i am way looking forward to spending time with her, too!
it's been a while since my last post, i'm still trying to find my groove! please keep checking back.
happy day to you!