is my all time
favorite book.
i love - love - LOVE
happy stories, and
this one just does
it for me.
so, when i was pondering
how to cover my newest
junque store train case,
it seemed natural
to use some pages
from one of the MANY
copies i have lying
i was also totally thrilled
to finally get to use
the floral paper i'd
been saving for
something special.
i used some personal
treasured quotes from
the book here and there,
added selections that
make me laugh and cry,
and dressed it up with
bits of lace and antique
white buttons.
isn't it amazing what
a little mod podge can
do? i just love that stuff.
happy day! oh, and by the way,
if you haven't read anne of
green gables, or if it's
been awhile, i highly
recommend it! :)
It is fabulous...perfect to carry your Bella Supplies from class to class. kara