Monday, June 6, 2011

mini book love!

well. it's true. we are loving summer around here!

mr. elliott and little miss beatrice have all kinds of fun activities to add a just wee bit of structure to our day, and still leave plenty of time for running through the sprinkler, throwing water balloons, enjoying cold treats, and most importantly, being kids.

i've had little projects here and there, too. one of my more favorites being mini books! michelle hosted a swap and i jumped at the opportunity to participate.

these are just some snapshots of the process. if you are interested, the tutorial is in miss amy's happy birthday issue - hello, $3.30 - for seriously THE best craft mag you are going to find.

mini books all packaged up and ready to share!

have a happy day, friends!


  1. I can't wait to see your book in person!

  2. -sigh- I remember summers with a little bit of structure when Ben was younger. These days it's 'sleep in until 11 or noon' -- but I know teens need a lot of sleep, so it's all good. I did the little book swap, too -- 'can't wait to get yours!
